Scholarship Entries

2023 Winning Submission

Emma Conti-Windle

Minding a Goose

Not many people mind a goose

At least that’s what I gather

Granted, he hisses and he honks

So, you could hate him if you’d rather

He’s been around since March I think

He had a mate, but now he’s alone

So, he marches back and forth and back

Unlike any goose I’ve known

Not many people mind a goose

But lots of people hate him

Every day at track practice

The boys on the team await him

We walk outside to start our run

And there in all his glory

He paces and glares furiously

And I think about his story

Not many people mind a goose

But I myself, well, I do

He’s angry, smelly, party of one

But I remember when there were two

I don’t know what happened to his mate

Or where she may have gone

But can see the sadness in his eyes

as he paces across the lawn

Not many people mind a goose

So, he leaves bombs all over the path

As a warning to anyone who gets too close

That they will surely feel his wrath.

I can see why he’d be mad

With all of these kids around

Walking back and forth and back

Dodging the piles on the ground

Not many people mind a goose.

But once, my friend and I did roam

Into his patch of grass and weeds

That I suppose has become his home.

Surely enough, he gave us a hiss

I’m glad that I don’t speak goose

Because I don’t think that my soft heart

Could take that kind of abuse.

Not many people mind a goose

But I’d like to think he minds me

I wonder if he knows at all

That his same confusion finds me

His life is made up of journeys

And here I am, about to go

Away on a flight, all on my own

Without anyone I know

Not many people mind a goose

But this school can’t be his destination

Perhaps he stopped to watch a game

Or to get an education

You can’t stay here forever, Goose.

This is a temporary pause

Perhaps, now, he feels he has no reason to go.

No motivation, or cause

Not many people mind a goose

But maybe he wants to leave

He just might have some doubts in front of him

About the things he can achieve

Maybe he’s still waiting for his mate

But Goose, some things don’t return

Loss is a part of growing up

As I have come to learn

Not many people mind a goose

But maybe he needs a nice word

To remind him that his wings still work

That he’s a pretty awesome bird.

Remember, Goose, you’ve made it this far.

There’s no need to be upset.

The times with your mate will be with you always

And you’ll be glad you didn’t forget.

Not many people mind a goose

And what he thinks about each day

How he misses laughing with his friends

How he wonders if he’ll be ok.

How he doesn’t mean to be stand-offish

Or hiss at your every move

He still has a place he needs to go

He still has something to prove

Not many people mind a goose

Becuase perhaps they don’t know how

It’s hard to see the truth in a goose

With all they think is happening now

But really, a moment of pause is needed

Before they take their leap

After all, the end is creeping near

The sowing’s become the reap

Not many people mind a goose

But then, not many people mind at all

What happens when we get scared sometimes

How fast flight becomes a fall.

But the kids that walk right by you, Goose,

Are just as afraid as you, you’ll find

But maybe they’d feel just a little better

If they paid a goose any mind.

I’m one of the people that minds a goose.

After all, he’s there every day.

But just like mine, his time to go is coming.

And he soon will fly away.

Anger, loneliness, and fear can’t last

When you have wings that could touch the moon

So, hang around for a few more weeks, lone goose

Just hiss me goodbye in June.